Let’s Talk About Urge Incontinence

There are a lot of types of incontinence like stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed incontinence, overflow incontinence, environmental/functional incontinence and nocturnal enuresis. Incontinence still isn’t widely discussed despite the number of people who are experiencing it. Among the types mentioned, the most common is stress incontinence and urge incontinence. We have talked about stress incontinence in our past articles so in this one, we will be talking about urge incontinence.
While Stress Incontinence happens when you leak while doing physical activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting, or anything that puts pressure in your bladder, Urge Incontinence happens when you feel the overwhelming desire to urinate, the bladder contracts when it should not. This type of incontinence can affect anyone, but women and adults are more likely to develop it.
For most people who are experiencing incontinence, they often opt not to visit the doctor because they just see it as an inconvenience. But remember that although it is not a disease, incontinence can also be a symptom of an underlying one. So if you experience symptoms like the overwhelming desire to urinate, look out for pain in the pelvic region, burning or pain with urination, and symptoms that last for several days.
And most importantly urge incontinence interferes with your daily activities, you should see your doctor to discuss treatment options or other ways to manage your condition. Some diseases that your incontinence might be signaling may be a bladder infection, bladder inflammation or stones in the bladder or kidney .
The majority of people with urge incontinence often do not require treatment. However, the condition may be extremely uncomfortable and have a negative impact on your daily life. Some treatments can be administered at home by the patient like lifestyle changes and kegel exercises. Another helpful partner is So Sure Pads.First local brand in its category, It is scientifically and clinically proven to have antibacterial properties to keep you stay fresh and odor free for up to four hours! No need to worry about leaks because it absorbs two times more than other local brands and according to lab tests, their 450cm pad can absorb up to 500 ml of urine!
These are just introductions to urge incontinence. It is still very important to go check on your doctor if your incontinence is affecting your everyday life so that you will be diagnosed properly, and will be given proper treatments.
Gabbey, A. E. (2020, February 11). All you need to know about urge incontinence. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/urge-incontinence
User, S. (n.d.). Incontinence. Prostate Conditions.