Living it up with Bladder Leaks: How to live well when You Have Incontinence

Incontinence is just a condition, not a disease. You can definitely learn how to manage these bladder leaks once you master these tips:
Small weights
Small weights strengthen your muscles by lifting small weights over and over. Lifting small weights require a little effort and this helps you gradually strengthen your pelvic floor.
Does Kegel ring a bell?
Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in which the levator muscles are squeezed and held for five seconds, then released for another five seconds for a number of repetitions. This technique is taught among pregnant women in preparation for childbirth. It aids speedy recovery of the pelvic muscles and is known to greatly help in treating urinary incontinence.
Your diet helps too.
If you down plenty of fluid, cutting back a little may help. Remember that if you are to lessen fluid intake though, you will also have to cut back on hard to digest food such as meat. It is best to consult a dietician to help you prepare a healthy meal plan.
Drink less when you are leaving the house.
This will save you from the urge to visit the toilet before you reach your destination.
Know which food and drinks make you need to go
Alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, citrus fruits and drinks and carbonated drinks bring about the need to pee. 3 Observe which ones cause you to go more often and cut back or totally quit taking them.
Use high-quality incontinence pads.
The amount of fluid leakage depends on the severity of incontinence and it is important that you use pads that are super absorbent. Menstrual pads are not designed for heavy urine flow so people had no choice but to use diapers in the past. Diapers are thick and bulky, making it so obvious that you are wearing one, affecting your confidence. You’ll be glad to know that So Sure Bladder Leakage Pad is breathable, discreet, and has better absorbency compared to regular pads. Find out why So Sure is the best bladder leakage pad (link to About Us, benefits)
Reach out to people who can help.
Do not be afraid to speak to a physician about your condition so they can help you and teach you manage incontinence. They will also be able to provide you a list of solutions and treatments. Your partner, your family, and the people close to you should also know so they can help make the situation easier for you. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance from a professional who can help you better understand the condition and make it more comfortable for you.
1 Melville JL, Katon W, Delaney K, Newton K. Urinary incontinence in US women: a population-based study. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165(5):537-42.
2 Cammu H, Van Nylen M, Amy J. A 10-year follow-up after Kegel pelvic floor muscle exercises for genuine stress incontinence. BJU Int. 2001;85(6):655-658.
3 Wyman JF, Burgio KL, Newman DK. Practical aspects of lifestyle modifications and behavioural interventions in the treatment of overactive bladder and urgency urinary incontinence. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(8):1177-91.