Men and Incontinence

Incontinence is usually associated with women because their pelvic muscles and nerves can be affected by certain health events that are specific to women like pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. However, men can also experience incontinence. It may be harder for them to realize that they are in need of help because of a lack of knowledge about its symptoms and its risks to health if it remains unchecked. In reality, there are a lot of men who experience incontinence but some might feel embarrassed because they feel like they are the only ones experiencing it.
Here are some basic facts everyone should know about incontinence . Incontinence is the loss of bladder control caused by a variety of reasons like weakened pelvic muscles or obesity. In men, incontinence is often related to prostate problems or treatments. Although it is not a disease, it can actually be a symptom of an underlying one. That’s why it is very important to consult your doctor once you experience any of these symptoms:
Stress Incontinence
When you sneeze, cough, laugh, raise something, shift positions, or do anything else that causes tension or strain on your bladder, you leak pee. This can be caused by the removal of the prostate gland. The lower region of the bladder may not have enough support if the nerves or sphincter have been damaged. The sphincter is then responsible for keeping pee in the bladder.
Urge Incontinence
This is a type of incontinence that prevents you from getting to the toilet in time. It can also occur if your bladder contracts when it shouldn’t. This can happen even if your bladder only has a small amount of urine in it. Urge incontinence is caused by an overactive bladder. However, not everyone with an overactive bladder is prone to leaking pee. This happens when the sphincter can’t hold back the urine because the bladder muscles are squeezing too tightly.
Overflow Incontinence
You have the urge to urinate but you can release only a small amount. since your bladder does not empty properly. It can be caused by something obstructing the urethra, causing pee to accumulate in the bladder. An enlarged prostate gland or a narrowed urethra are common causes. It could also be due to weak bladder muscles.
Total Incontinence
Signifies that you are constantly urinating. It occurs when the sphincter muscle stops working.
Functional Incontinence
This indicates that you won’t be able to urinate in time. This generally happens because something got in your way or you couldn’t walk there alone.
To admit that you are experiencing incontinence is quite embarrassing but it is very important that you get yourself checked most especially if it is already causing you so much inconvenience. Ask for advice on easy practical treatments that can be done at home and use a pad to help you with your everyday routine like So Sure Incontinence pad. So Sure Incontinence pad is the first in its category here in the Philippines that is scientifically and clinically proven to have antibacterial properties to keep you stay fresh and odor free for up to four hours! No need to worry for leaks for it absorbs two times more than other local brands. It is about time to help yourself be free from the hassle of incontinence!
Urinary Incontinence in Men. Urinary Incontinence in Men | Michigan Medicine. (n.d.).
WebMD. (n.d.). What is Urinary Incontinence in Men? What are the Types? WebMD.
WebMD. (2019, September 17). Incontinence in Men: Treatment and Management. WebMD.